2015 in Hamburg 22,300 refugees immigrated, which have 21,000 accommodation needs, of which 1,570 unaccompanied refugee . In the initial reception for Escaped whether unaccompanied youths or adults (some with family), people live normally without privacy in large Rooms or gyms in a confined space. The potential for aggression is difficult to control, especially for traumatized [...]
Custom tailors tailor individual garments, costumes, accessories, bags or models for designers as well as small series. In addition, change and repair orders are part of the profession. The training is offered in the craft with the focus ladies or gentlemen. Most of the time, the tailors work in craft and tailor-made tailoring, costume workshops [...]
Apps, Design
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Kungfu Academy
Sifu Massoud Ashuftah began practicing martial arts in the year 1996. He was 11 years old when he started practicing a number of different styles of martial arts. Among them Wing Chun (declared Sifu by Sifu Jiaming in April 2013) Wing Tsun Leung Ting System Shotokan Karate Kickboxing Wrestling Muay Thai Dragos Wing Tsun Foshan [...]